[Sydney Parkinson's sketch of the Endeavour, beached]
[Ship Beached in Endeavour River]

At 2 a.m. the Tide left her, which gave us an
Opportunity to Examine the Leak, which we found to be at her Floor Heads,
a little before the Starboard Fore Chains; here the Rocks had made their
way thro' 4 planks, quite to, and even into the Timbers, and wounded 3
more. The manner these planks were damaged--or cut out, as I may say--is
hardly credible; scarce a Splinter was to be seen, but the whole was cut
away as if it had been done by the Hands of Man with a blunt-edge Tool.
Fortunately for us the Timbers in this place were very close; other wise
it would have been impossible to have saved the Ship, and even as it was
it appeared very extraordinary that she made no more water than what she
did. A large peice of Coral rock was sticking in one Hole, and several
peices of the Fothering, small stones, etc., had made its way in, and
lodged between the Timbers, which had stopped the Water from forcing its
way in in great Quantities. Part of the Sheathing was gone from under the
Larboard bow, part of the False Kiel was gone, and the remainder in such
a Shatter'd Condition that we should be much better off if it was gone
also; her Forefoot and some part of her Main Kiel was also damaged, but
not Materially. What damage she may have received abaft we could not see,
but believe not much, as the Ship makes but little water, while the Tide
Keeps below the Leak forward. At 9 the Carpenters went to work upon the
Ship, while the Armourers were buisy making Bolts, Nails, etc.
Joseph Banks Journal
In the morn I saw her leak which was very large: in the middle was a hole large enough to have sunk a ship with twice our pumps but here providence had most visibly workd in our favour, for it was in great measure pluggd up by a stone which was as big as a mans fist: round the Edges of this stone had all the water come in which had so near overcome us, and here we found the wool and oakum or fothering which had releivd us in so unexpected a manner. The effects of the Coral rock upon her bottom is dificult to describe but more to beleive; it had cut through her plank and deep into one of her timbers, smoothing the gashes still before it so that the whole might easily be imagind to be cut with an axe. Myself employd all day in laying in Plants. The People who were sent to the other side of the water in order to shoot Pigeons saw an animal as large as a grey hound, of a mouse coulour and very swift; they also saw many Indian houses and a brook of fresh water.
Sydney Parkinson Journal
On the 22d, we examined the ship’s bottom, and found a large hole; through the planks into the hold, which had a piece of coral-rock, half a yard square, sticking in it: the fame rock, therefore, that endangered us, yielded us the principal means of our redemption; for, had not this fragment intruded into the leak, in all probability the ship would have sunk.
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