[North Atlantic]
7th. Gentle breezes and Clear weather. In the Evening found the Variation
by the Amplitude to be 22 degrees 30 minutes West. At 9 A.M. Spoke
a Brig from Liverpool bound to Porto, and some time after another from
London, bound to the Granades. She had been 3 days from Scilly, and reckoned
herself in the Longitude of about 10 minutes West, which was about
40 minutes to the Westward of what we found ourselves to-day by Observation.
We learnt from this Vessel that no account had been received in
England from us, and that Wagers were held that we were lost. It seems highly
improbable that the Letters sent by the Dutch Ships from Batavia should
not come to hand, as it is now 5 months since these Ships sail'd from
the Cape of Good Hope. Wind North-North-East and North-West; course North
50 degrees East; distance 49 miles; latitude 46 degrees 16 minutes North,
longitude 9 degrees 39 minutes West per Account, 9 degrees 29 minutes
per Observation.
8th. Little wind and hazey weather. Swell from the Northward. Wind
North-North-West to South-West; course North 46 degrees 45 minutes East;
distance 43 miles; latitude 46 degrees 45 minutes North, longitude 8
degrees 54 minutes West.
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