[Off Kaipara Harbour, North Island, New Zealand]

Winds at North-North-East and North, the first part a
Gentle breeze, the remainder a fresh breeze and Cloudy with rain towards
Noon. Continued a South-East Course until' 8 o'Clock p.m. at which time
we had run 7 Leagues since Noon, and were between 3 and 4 Leagues from
the Land which appear'd to be low and Sandy such as I have before
Discribed, and we then steer'd South-East by East in a Parrallel
direction with the Coast, our Depth of Water from 48 to 34 fathoms; a
black sandy bottom; at daylight found ourselves between 2 and 3 Leagues
from the land which was of a Moderate height and Cloathed with Wood and
Verdure. At 7 o'Clock steer'd South by East and afterwards South by West,
the land laying in that direction; at 9 was abreast of a Point of Land
which rises sloping from the Sea to a Considerable height; it lies in the
Latitude of 37 degrees 43 minutes South; I named it Woodyhead. South-West
1/2 West 11 Miles from this Head is a very small Island which we named
Gannet Island, on account of the Great Number of these Birds we saw upon
it. At Noon a high Craggy point bore East-North-East, distance 1 1/2
Leagues; this point I have named Albetross Point; it lies in the Latitude
of 38 degrees 4 minutes South, and Longitude 184 degrees 42 minutes West,
and from Woodyhead South 17 minutes West 7 Leagues. On the North side of
it the shore forms a Bay wherein there appears to be anchorage and
Shelter for Shipping against Southerly Winds;*
(* Kawhia Harbour. There
is a settlement here.) our Course and distance saild since Yesterday at
Noon is South 37 East, distance 69 Miles. Cape Maria Van Diemen bore
North 30 West, distant 82 Leagues.

Joseph Banks Journal
In the morn a breeze of fair wind put us all into high spirits. The countrey we passd by appeard fertile, more so I think than any part of this countrey I have seen, rising in gentle slopes not over wooded but what trees there were well grown. Few signs of inhabitants were seen, a fire and a very few houses. About noon we passd between the main and a small Island or rock which seemd almost totaly coverd with birds probably Gannets; towards evening a very high hill was in sight but very distant.
Sydney Parkinson Journal
We had a fine breeze from the north, and passed a high sloping land, covered with wood, where we had seen some smoke. A few leagues farther from this point, which we called Woody Point, we saw a small flat island, or rock, which was almost covered with gannets, or soland geese; and therefore called it Gannet Island. Soon after we passed a point of land, at which time, seeing a number of albatrosses on the sea, we named it Albatross Point: This point stretched out a great way, and formed a small harbour. As we proceeded on our course, the land, though level, appeared much higher, and pretty well cloathed with verdure. We saw a point of land which we called, from its appearance, Sugar-Loaf Point, near which are several small islands; and, from their vicinity to the point, we named them Sugar-Loaf Isles. The weather being still gloomy, and the wind veering about to the S. W. we were obliged to stand off and on the land.
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