Winds at South-West and South-West by South; mostly a
fresh Gale accompanied with a rowling sea from the same Quarter. Being
desirous of taking as near a View of the coast as we could with safety we
keept Edging in for it until 7 o'Clock p.m., being at this time 6 Leagues
from the Land. We then hauld our wind to South-East and keept on that
Course close upon the wind all night, sounding several times but had no
ground with 100 and 110 fathoms. At 8 o'Clock a.m. was about 5 Leagues
from the Land and a place which lies in the Latitude of 36 degrees 25
minutes that had the Appearance of a Bay or inlet bore East.* (* This was
Kaipara Harbour, although, on a closer inspection, Cook thought he had
been deceived. It is the largest harbour on this part of the coast. The
town of Helensville stands on one of its arms.)

Joseph Banks Journal
Stood rather nearer the land than yesterday but not near enough to see whether or not it was inhabited: indeed we were obligd to hawl off rather in a hurry for the wind freshning a little we found ourselves in a bay which it was a moot point whether or not we could get out of: indeed I beleive most people thought that we should not till a lucky change in the wind at once allowd us to weather every thing, to our no small Joy who had so lately been in so severe and long a Gale of wind blowing right upon the shore which we had now just weatherd.
Sydney Parkinson Journal
We stood along shore: the coast appeared very low, sandy, and barren. About noon, the wind began to frisk and blow from the S. W. and fearing if it should blow fresher, that we might get soul on a lee-shore, we tacked about, and proceeded to the N. W. Before we tacked, we observed a bending of the land which we thought might be a bay, but it proved otherwise, and we therefore named it False Bay.
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