29th, 30th & 31st January 1771

[Batavia to Capetown]
29th. Very variable weather; sometimes squally, with rain, other times little wind and calms. In the Night died Mr. Charles Green, who was sent out by the Royal Society to observe the Transit of Venus. He had long been in a bad state of health, which he took no care to repair, but, on the contrary, lived in such a manner as greatly promoted the disorders he had had long upon him; this brought on the Flux, which put a period to his life. Wind North Westerly; course South 40 degrees West; distance 74 miles; latitude 11 degrees 57 minutes South; longitude 258 degrees 15 minutes West.

30th. First and Latter parts moderate breezes and Cloudy weather; the middle Squally, with rain, Thunder, and Lightning. Died of the Flux Samuel Moody and Francis Haite, 2 of the Carpenter's Crew. Wind Easterly; course South 40 degrees West; distance 67 miles; latitude 12 degrees 48 minutes South; longitude 258 degrees 59 minutes West.

31st. First part Moderate and fair, the remainder frequent Squalls, attended with Showers of Rain. In the course of this 24 Hours we have had 4 men died of the Flux, viz., John Thompson, Ship's Cook; Benjamin Jordan, Carpenter's Mate; James Nickolson and Archibald Wolf, Seamen; a melancholy proof of the calamitieous situation we are at present in, having hardly well men enough to tend the Sails and look after the Sick, many of whom are so ill that we have not the least hopes of their recovery. Wind East-South-East; course South-West; distance 80 miles; latitude 13 degrees 42 minutes South; longitude 259 degrees 55 minutes West.

Joseph Banks Journal
29th. Self still Bad; three more of the people died this day.

30th. For the first time I found myself better and slept some time, which my continual pains had never sufferd me to do before notwistanding the opiates which were constantly administerd. One person only died today, but so weak were the people in general that, officers and men included, not more than 8 or nine could keep the deck so that 4 in a watch was all they had.

31st. This day I got out of my bed in good spirits and free from pain but very weak. My recovery had been as rapid as my disease was violent, but to what cause to attribute either the one or the other to we all were equaly at a loss.

The wind which came to E and SE yesterday blew today in the same direction so we had little reason to doubt its being the true trade, a circumstance which raisd the spirits of even those who were most afflicted with the tormenting disease, which now ragd with its greatest violence.

28th January 1771

[Batavia to Capetown]
Moderate breezes, with some Squalls, attended with Showers of Rain. Wind West-North-West, North-East; course South 43 degrees West; distance 66 miles; latitude 11 degrees 0 minutes South; longitude 257 degrees 27 West.

Joseph Banks Journal
Self something easier but still in great pain. This day Mr Green our astronomer and two of the people died, all of the very same complaint as I labourd under, no very encouraging circumstance.

27th January 1771

[Batavia to Capetown]
Little wind, and sometimes calm. In the evening found the Variation to be 2 degrees 51 minutes West. Wind Variable; course South 30 degrees West; distance 19 miles; latitude 10 degrees 12 minutes South; longitude 256 degrees 41 minutes West.

26th January 1771 - The death of Sydney Parkinson

[Batavia to Capetown]
First part little wind, the remainder calm and very hot; set up the Topmast Rigging, and clear'd ship between Decks, and wash her with Vinegar. Wind South Westerly; course South-East; distance 17 miles; latitude 9 degrees 56 minutes South; longitude 256 degrees 32 minutes West. Departed this life Mr. Sydney Parkinson, Natural History Painter to Mr. Banks, and soon after John Ravenhill, Sailmaker, a man much advanced in years.

Joseph Banks Journal
Tho better than yesterday my pains were still almost intolerable. In the Evening Mr Parkinson died and one of the ships crew.

Sydney Parkinson Journal
Sydney died on the 26th January 1771 On the way home, when the Endeavour called at Batavia for repairs, Parkinson was one of many who contracted dysentery, and he died at sea on 26 January 1771. In England later that year a dispute arose between Banks and Parkinson's brother, Stanfield. Banks had paid the latter £500 for balance of salary due and for Parkinson's papers and drawings. The papers were later lent to Stanfield Parkinson, who contrary to agreement had them transcribed for publication and was restrained by an injunction from doing so until the official account of the voyage had appeared. His book was published later in the same year, 1773, entitled A Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, with a second enlarged edition in 1784. A result of the squabble was that although Hawkesworth, who edited the official account of the voyage, used Parkinson's papers and drawings freely he did not acknowledge them. Only two of Parkinson's illustrations in these books are of Australian subjects. His own contains a study of the two Aboriginals who opposed Cook at Botany Bay, and Hawkesworth has a view of the Endeavour River (Cooktown, Queensland). A third of a kangaroo, formerly attributed to Parkinson, is now known to have been from a painting by George Stubbs.

[Image: Book -- Banks -- Parkinson]

Parkinson was the first artist to set foot on Australian soil, to draw an authentic Australian landscape, and to portray Aboriginals from direct observation. A great quantity of his work survives. The British Museum has eighteen volumes of his plant drawings, of which eight, comprising 243 drawings, are of Australian plants, three volumes of zoological subjects, of which a few sketches relate to Australia, and many of his landscape and other drawings, mainly of Tahitian and New Zealand subjects. Parkinson was gentle, able and conscientious, noted, according to his brother, for 'his singular simplicity of conduct, his sincere regard for truth [and] his ardent thirst after knowledge'. Two portraits are known: a small head in oils in the British Museum (Natural History) and the engraved frontispiece to his Voyage.

25th January 1771

[Batavia to Capetown]
Light Airs and Calms; hot, sultry weather. Departed this life Mr. Sporing, a Gentleman belonging to Mr Banks's retinue. Wind Variable and Calms; course South 30 degrees East; distance 12 miles; latitude 9 degrees 44 minutes South; longitude 256 degrees 44 minutes West.

Joseph Banks Journal
One more of the People died today. Myself endurd the pains of the Damnd almost; at night they became fixd in one point in my bowels on which the surgeon of the ship though[t] proper to order me the hot bath, into which I went 4 times at the intervals of two hours and felt great releif.

24th January 1771

[Batavia to Capetown]
First part Light Airs, the remainder Calm. In the A.M. died John Trusslove, Corporal of Marines, a man much esteem'd by every body on board. Many of our people at this time lay dangerously ill of Fevers and Fluxes. We are inclinable to attribute this to the water we took in at Princes Island, and have put lime into the Casks in order to purifie it. Wind South-West by South to South-South-East; course South; distance 4 miles; latitude 9 degrees 34 minutes South; longitude 256 degrees 50 minutes West.

Joseph Banks Journal
My distemper this day turnd out to be a flux attended (as that disease always is) with excrutiating pains in my bowels, on which I took to my bed. In the Eve Mr Sporing died.

23rd January 1771

[Batavia to Capetown]
Ditto weather; a swell from the Southward, and which we have had ever since we left the Straits of Sunda. Wind Ditto; course East Southerly; distance 18 miles; latitude 9 degrees 30 minutes South; longitude 256 degrees 50 minutes West.

Joseph Banks Journal
Myself was too ill today to do any thing; one of our people died of the flux in the Evening.

22nd January 1771

[Batavia to Capetown]
Little wind and fair weather. Wind South-Westerly; course North 10 degrees West; distance 17 miles; latitude 9 degrees 29 minutes South; longitude 257 degrees 8 minutes West.

Joseph Banks Journal
Our freind the slow Dutchman was this morn out of sight: the wind still foul. Almost all the Ships Company were now ill with either fluxes or severe purgings; myself far from well, Mr Sporing very ill and Mr Parkinson very little better, his complaint was a slow fever.

21st January 1771

[Batavia to Capetown]
First part Little wind, the remainder a Gentle breeze; the 2 Sail in sight. Wind Easterly; course South 57 degrees West; distance 58 miles; latitude 9 degrees 46 minutes South; longitude 257 degrees 5 minutes West.

Joseph Banks Journal
The Wind remaind as it was but one of the Duchmen had so far outsaild us as to be intirely out of sight; the other however was not so much ahead but that we sometimes flatterd ourselves with thinking that we could sail as fast as her. Some few Gannets and porpoises were about the ship.

18th to 20th January 1771

[Batavia to Capetown]
18th. Light Airs and Calms, with Showers of Rain. Wind Variable; course South-West 1/2 South; distance 30 miles; latitude 7 degrees 55 minutes South; longitude 255 degrees 54 minutes West.

19th. For the most part of these 24 hours had little wind and fair weather. Wind Westerly; course South 3 degrees East; distance 53 miles; latitude 8 degrees 48 minutes South; longitude 255 degrees 51 minutes West.

20th. Light Airs and Calms, with some Showers of Rain. Saw 2 Sail in the North-West Quarter standing to the South-West; one of them shew'd Dutch Colours. Wind North Westerly; course South 44 degrees West; distance 36 miles; latitude 9 degrees 14 minutes South; longitude 256 degrees 15 minutes West.

Joseph Banks Journal
18th. In the Morn Rain with light breezes. Several Man of war birds and some shearwaters were about the ship.

19th. Light breezes all day. A ship in sight but too far off to distinguish her colours.

20th. Weather as usual. 2 ships in sight who shew'd us Dutch Colours and then saild ahead of us, letting us know that sure as our ship might be she was too slow to outsail even a Dutchman. Several tropick birds were seen.

In the Even the wind came foul. Myself who had began with the Bark Yesterday miss'd my fever today, the people however in general grew worse and many had now the dysentery or bloody flux.

17th January 1771

[Batavia to Capetown]
Little wind and fair at 6 p.m. Java head bore East-North-East, distant 4 or 5 Leagues; at 6 a.m. it bore North-North-East, 12 Leagues. Wind North-East; course South 27 degrees 15 minutes West; distance 48 miles; latitude 7 degrees 32 minutes South; longitude 255 degrees 35 minutes West.

Joseph Banks Journal
Calms and light breezes still detaind us till eve when a pleasant breeze sprung up and gave us hopes of soon gaining the trade wind, which we impatiently longd for, especialy myself who had my fever every day; nor was I the only sick man, many began to complain of purgings. Some tropick birds and Gannets (Pelecanus risc) were seen.

16th January 1771

[Batavia to Capetown]
Had it calm all P.M., which at 5 o'clock obliged us to Anchor under the South Point of Princes Island, the said Point bearing South-West by West, distance 2 miles. At 8 o'clock in the A.M. a light breeze sprung up at North, with which we weigh'd and stood out to Sea. At noon Java Head bore South-East by South, distance 2 Leagues, and the West Point of Princes Island North-North-West, distance 5 Leagues; Latitude Observed 6 degrees 45 minutes South. Java Head, from which I take my departure, lies in the Latitude of 6 degrees 49 minutes South, and Longitude 255 degrees 12 minutes West from the Meridian of Greenwich, deduced from several Astronomical Observations made at Batavia by the Reverend Mr. Mohr.* (* The true longitude of Java Head is 254 degrees 49 minutes West.)

Joseph Banks Journal
This Morn we wakd in the open Ocean, nothing in sight but sea and sky. The winds tho fair continud yet so gentle that we hardly knew whether we went on or stood still. At night a booby made us a visit and slept his last sleep in the stomachs of some of our men, not induc'd quite to forsake the old trade of Booby Eating even by the present abundance of victuals.

15th January 1771

[Batavia to Capetown]
Had variable light airs of wind, with which we could not get under sail until the morning, when we weighed with a light breeze at North-East, which was soon succeeded by a calm.

Joseph Banks Journal
Weighd again and stood out to sea with a breeze so gentle that at night we were still in sight of Land.

13th January 1771

Joseph Banks Journal
It was resolvd to sail tomorrow, which the natives had been informd of yesterday, so they brought down rather more turtle than usual. My Fever returnd, but I resolvd not to atempt to cure it till in the main Ocean I should meet with a better air than this uncleard Island could possibly have. In the Eve after my fit I went ashore to the king, to whoom time after time I had made small presents altogether not of 5 shillings value, carrying 2 Qrs of Paper, which as he had done every thing else he most thankfully receivd. We had much conversation, the purport of which was his asking why the English ships did not touch here as they had usd to do; I told him that as they had not on the Island Turtle enough to supply one ship the[y] could not expect many, but advisd him to breed Cattle, Sheep and Buffaloes, which advise however he did not seem much to approve.

12th January 1771

Joseph Banks Journal
The hatchet was brought down according to promise, the theif they said afraid of conviction had in the night conveyd it into the house of the man who brought it. Trade as usual, 2 or 300 weight of Turtle in a day with fowls etc. Myself was this day seizd with a Return of my Batavia Fever, which I attributed to being much exposd to a burning sun in trading with the Natives.

Sydney Parkinson Journal
Here we were plentifully supplied with turtle, and fine fish of different sorts; cocoa-nuts, plantains, mangoes, limes and lemons: also with deer about the size of a calf; and a sort of smaller deer about as large as a rabbit, which ate much like them: a great quantity of poultry, with which the island abounds; young Indian corn, Tagaree, sugar, and some ducks. Their turtles were very lean, and far inferior to those we caught on the coast of New Holland, which I supposed might be owing to their having been kept long in crawles. We had also very fine water-melons, and bread-fruit, which would have been better had it not been so young.

This side of the island is pretty high, and covered with wood, excepting plantations of rice, upon which we saw several houses. The other side is plain flat ground, and abounds with plantations of pisang, calappa, and other fruits. The people who are upon it have been there between three and four years, and came from the main land of Java; and it is most likely dispossessed the former inhabi-tants. They are all Mahometans. It was the month of Ramezan when we were there, and in this month they never eat in the day-time. They have a Radja, or king, who, indeed, is but a poor one. They wear a piece of cotton check about their waists, which reaches to their knees, and another piece over their shoulders. Their hair is very mean, and unlike that of the Malays, which is very fine. *

* Here ends S. Parkinson’s journal.

8th to 11th January 1771

Joseph Banks Journal
8th. In the Morn the ship which had in the night been driven something nearer the shore, was so near being ashore that the foot of the rudder touchd several times, and indeed gave the first intimation of our danger, but by the alertness of the officers she was hove into deep water in a very short time. The day was rainy throughout and very few Indians came to the watering place, so that nothing was bought but a few fish and fowls.

9th. Fine weather today and rather more trade than usual. Early in the morn 8 guns were heard within Pepper point, but no ship had been seen by either us or the Islanders so we could not even guess the Occasion of them.

10th. Little trade; the people brought down a deer of a kind weighing about 40 lb; our stock of Turtle was now Considerably increasd, some few having been bought every day, tho the Joint number did not equal what had been bought the first day.

11th. My Servant Sander who I had hir'd at Batavia having found out that these people had a town somewhere along shore to the Westward and not very far off, I resolvd to visit it, but knowing that the inhabitants were not at all desirous of our company kept my intentions secret from them. In the morn I set out accompanied by our second Lieutenant and went along shore, telling all whoom I met that I was in search of plants which indeed was also the case. In about 2 hours we arrivd at a place where were about 4 or 5 houses, here we met an old man and venturd to ask him questions about the town; he said it was very distant, but we not much relying on his information proceeded on our way, as did he in our company, atempting however several times to lead us out of the pathway which we were now in; we remaind firm to our purpose and soon got sight of our desird Object. The old man then turnd our freind and accompanied us to the houses, I suppose near 400 in number, divided into the old and new town between which was a brackish river. In the old town we met with several old acquaintances, one of whoom at the rate of 2d a head undertook to transport us over the river, which he did in two very small Canoes which we prevented from oversetting by laying them alongside each other and holding them together; in this manner we safely went through our navigation and arrivd at the new town, where the kings and all the nobilities houses were which the inhabitants very freely shewd to us. The most of them were shut up, the people in general at this time of the year living in their rice feilds to defend the Crop from Monkies, Birds etc. When our curiosity was satisfied we hird a large sailing boat for which we gave 2 Rupees 4s/, which carried us home time enough to dine upon the deer we had bought the day before, which provd very good and savoury meat.

In the Evening when we went ashore we were acquainted that an axe had been stole from one of our people; this as the first theft we thought it not proper to pass over, so immediate application was made to the king, who after some time promisd that it should be returnd in the morn.

7th January 1771

[At Anchor. Princes Island, Sunda Strait]
From this day till Monday 14th we were employ'd wooding and watering, being frequently interrupted by heavy rains. Having now compleated both we hoisted in the Long boat, and made ready to put to Sea, having on board a pretty good stock of refreshments, which we purchased of the natives, such as Turtle, Fowls, Fish, two species of Deer, one about as big as a small sheep, the other no bigger than a Rabbit; both sorts eat very well, but are only for present use, as they seldom lived above 24 hours in our possession. We likewise got fruit of several sorts, such as Cocoa Nutts, plantains, Limes, etc. The Trade on our part was carried on chiefly with money (Spanish Dollars); the natives set but little value upon any thing else. Such of our people as had not this Article traded with Old Shirts, etc., at a great disadvantage.

6th January 1771

[At Anchor. Princes Island, Sunda Strait]
At 3 o'clock in the P.M. anchor'd under the South-East side of Princes Island in 18 fathoms water, in order to recruite our wood and water, and to procure refreshments for the people, which are now in a much worse state of health than when we left Batavia. After coming to an anchor I went on shore to look at the watering place, and to speak with the Natives, some of whom were upon the Beach. I found the watering place convenient, and the water to all appearance good, Provided proper care is taken in the filling of it. The Natives seemed inclined to supply us with Turtle, Fowls, etc.; Articles that I intended laying in as great a stock as possible for the benefit of the Sick, and to suffer every one to purchase what they pleased for themselves, as I found these people as easy to traffick with as Europeans. In the morning sent the Gunner ashore with some hands to fill water, while others were empboy'd putting the whole to rights, sending on shore Empty Casks, etc. Served Turtle to the Ship's Company. Yesterday was the only Salt meat day they have had since our arrival at Java, which is now near 4 months.

Joseph Banks Journal
Many People were down at the trading place with fowls, fish, Monkeys, small Deer, etc. etc. but few or no Turtle, they said that we had bought them all the day before.

5th January 1771

[At Krakatoa]
Had fresh breezes at South-West, with squally, rainy weather until the evening, when it clear up, and the wind veer'd to South and South-East, with which we stood to the South-West all night. In the morning the wind veer'd to North-East, which was still in our favour; at noon Princes Island bore West 1/2 South, distant 3 Leagues.

Joseph Banks Journal
Ashore today trading; the Indians dropd their demands very slowly but were very civil, towards noon however they came down to the offerd price, so that before night we had bought up a large quantity of Turtle. In the Evening I went to pay my respects to his majesty the king, who I found at his house in the middle of a rice feild cooking his own supper; he receivd me however very politely.

Sydney Parkinson Journal
We arrived and anchored at Prince’s Island, on the east side, (the water of which was very deep close to the shore)...

4th January 1771

[At Krakatoa]
Most part of these 24 hours squally, rainy weather, winds variable between the North-North-West and South-South-West; at 5 p.m. anchor'd in 28 fathoms water, Cracatoa West, distant 3 miles. Some time after the wind veer'd to North-West, with which we got under sail, but the wind dying away we advanced but little to the South-West before noon, at which time Princes Island bore South-West, distance 8 or 9 Leagues.

Joseph Banks Journal
Soon after Dinner time today we anchord under Princes Island and went ashore. The People who met us carried us immediately to a man whoom they told us was their king, with whoom after a few Compliments we proceeded to business, that was to settle the price of Turtle, in which we did not well agree. This however did not at all discourage us, as we doubted not but that in the morn we should have them at our own price, so we walkd a little way along shore and the Indians dispersd. One Canoe however remaind and just as we went off sold us three turtle on a promise that we should not tell the king.

3rd January 1771

[At Krakatoa]
In the P.M. had it very squally, with heavy showers of rain; at 1/2 past 7 anchor'd in 19 fathoms, Cracatoa Island South-West, distance 3 Leagues. In the morning came to sail, having very squally variable weather; at Noon Cracatoa West 2 Leagues.

Joseph Banks Journal
Tho we had again got under way in the night, Yet this morn we had gaind but little, nor did we much more all day; at night however a breeze sprung up at SE and we saild on Chearily.

2nd January 1771

[At Krakatoa]
First and middle parts fresh breezes at South-West, and fair the remainder, squally with rain; plying to windward between Cracatoa and the Java shore without gaining anything.

Joseph Banks Journal
This morn when we rose we saw that there were many houses and much Cultivation upon Cracatoa, so that probably a ship might meet with refreshments who chose to touch here in preference to Princes Island. The wind was so foul and balkd us so often that after having saild the whole day we were glad at night to come back again to our old Birth under Cracatoa.